Williams Jokerz - completed
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Thanks to a week off and several late nights, I completed the playfield rebuilding and got the machine operational.  The only power-up glitch was inoperative flippers (I suspect this is why the machine was pulled from its location and sold to me).  Using a simple ohmmeter, I found the problem: burned traces on the back of the interconnect board.  I replaced those with 18 gauge wire and now everything works.

The machine is great fun now.  The ball is silent when rolling on the clearcoated playfield.  The music, lighting, speech and sound effects make it a nice package.  The jet bumpers are very lively (I adjusted the spoon switches to be that way) and that center ramp shot is rewarding.  Here are some neat-o photos of the completed machine.

Click a picture to see an enlargement.

Player's view Playfield only Low angle
Different low angle Jet bumper area Upper playfield

 Finishing touches:

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