Williams Jokerz - Rebuilding Level 3
Ramps and upper mini-playfield

The upper playfield proved to be a big headache in this project.  It was molded from some type of styrene/polycarbonate that is very thermoplastic and also prone to discoloration.  It tends to get fractures and crazing over time as well.  I was lucky to find a used one that was still intact and rebuildable.

Click a picture to see an enlargement.

Stripped upper playfield 3M saves the day Who needs rivets? Rivet-less detail
Rebuild complete Backside Reinforcement In place

The left ramp had the typical entrance breakage, so I used some thin stainless steel where required (anywhere the ramp is damaged or can take an edge-on hit from a ball).  The protector is attached using 3M double-stick foam tape and a screw.  During rebuilding, it's important to ensure no ramps can take an edge-on hit from a ball.

Left ramp entrance Right ramp Right ramp's left edge Right ramp's right edge

Additionally, the ramps must not be mounted with any stress...if a ramp must be "tweaked" or bent for a mounting hole to line up, then it might crack where it is stressed.  After a total rebuild like this, I had numerous instances of misaligned holes on ramps; all I did was enlarge the hole in the plastic in the appropriate direction and cover that with a washer.

Center ramp Up the middle Ball launch ramp Interesting cabinet defect

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